Personalized Soul Chart
The Overleaves Chart will support you in understanding the goals your soul has chosen to achieve in this life and how you as an individual are meant to reach them.
With the overleaves, you will uncover distinct personality characteristics that make you unique. Understanding and accepting what makes you, YOU is the key to unlocking greater levels of compassion, both for ourselves and those around us.
The overleaves also bring your soul's roadmap to life and how to operate from your true personality.
Chart Breakdown:
-Your soul's goals in this life (Goal aka influences on what we do)
- Mode (how we do it)
- Attitude (why we do it)
- Center(part of the self from which we do it)
- Chief Feature(what blocks or distorts our doing).
What to Expect:
- Upon booking, chart analysis is sent to you via email within 3 days
- Actual chart along with personalized write up
- 30 min call to review chart in depth
I am so excited to support you in understading your soul's journey and guide you down the road of self acceptance.